Academic Officials Study Visit to Thailand – June 21 2013
On June 21, 2013, a delegation of professors from universities in Peru, Ecuador and Colombia paid a courtesy visit to the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) and the Southeast Asia and Latin America (SEA-LAC) trade center. ....complete
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Work shop on "SMEs Trade and Investment Opportunities"
October 10-21,2011, organized by The Thailand International Development Coorporation Agency (TICA),Ministry of Foreign Affairs in collaboration with the SEA-LAC Trade Center, The University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce (UTCC). ....complete
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Mexican Ambassador to Thailand donated books to the University of Thai Chamber of Commerce
8 July 2011
H.E. Arturo Puente, the Ambassador of Mexico to Thailand, and Mr.Jorge Luis Hidalgo, The Deputy of Head of Mission of Mexico donated the 375 books about Mexico . ....complete
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Latin Day 2011
Chalit Limpanavech, the Dean of International College of the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, opened the event of Latin Day 2011. ....complete
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Latin Business Forum 2010:
Bangkok, Thailand
On November
18th, 2010 - The Latin Business Forum 2010 was held at the Santi Maitri Building, the Royal Thai Government House in Bangkok, on Thursday, November 18th, 2010. ....complete
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Press Conference:
"Latin Business Forum 2010"
Bangkok, Thailand
On October
18th, 2010 -
ASEAN strengthening trade links with Latin America, with Thailand playing host to the
"Latin Business Forum 2010", the first-ever of its kind to be held in the country, hoping to stimulate the world economy and to enhance potential of Thai investors in Latin America. ....complete
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Visit of Latin America & Caribbean Delegation
On February 26th, 2010 -Sixty
Delegations from Japan International Cooperation
Agency (JICA) in cooperation with Multilateral Investment
Fund (MIF) of IDB Group from various countries of
Latin America visited the Thai Chamber of Commerce
to share viewpoints of managing Small and Medium-sized
Enterprises. ....complete
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Tisco Latin America Fund
On February 23rd, 2010 -Dr. Jakarin
Srimoon, an Executive Director of the SEA-LAC Trade
Center was a speaker at “Tisco Latin America
Fund” Seminar at Four Seasons Hotel, Bangkok.
He gave a presentation in a topic of Latin America
as an Emerging Markets. ....complete
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University visited the SEA-LAC Trade Center
February 9th, 2010 - MBA and IMBA students
from Tsinghua University visited the University
of the Thai Chamber of Commerce. Dr. Jakarin Srimoon,
Executive Director of the SEA-LAC Trade Center gave
a presentation in a topic of “Trade and
Investment opportunities among China, ASEAN and
Latin American countries” and “Thailand’s
Corporate Social Responsibility” ....complete
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Business Opportunities: Thailand-Peru FTA
11th , 2010 - The SEA-LAC Trade Center in
collaboration with Embassy of Peru, Thailand and
Department of Trade Negotiation, Ministry of Commerce
and Office of Thailand Trade Representative, conducted
a seminar on “Business Opportunities: Peru-Thailand
FTA” at the University of the Thai Chamber
of Commerce, Bangkok. ......complete
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to Haiti Relief Efforts
January 29th, 2010 - The SEA-LAC Trade Center of the University of the
Thai Chamber of Commerce raised fund to the Haiti
disaster relief a total of 200,000 baht. Funds collected
from university employees, faculty and students,
and donated through the Ministry of Foreign Affair
of Thailand for Haiti Relief Fund......complete
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Trade and Investment Opportunities in Latin America
(Argentina, Brazil, and Chile)
January 28th, 2010 - The SEA-LAC
Trade Center in collaboration with Thai Chamber
of Commerce and Office of Thailand Trade Representative,
conducted a seminar o.....complete
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Talk: Opportunities in Argentina: Agro-business
December 16th, 2009 - The SEA-LAC
Trade Center in collaboration with Embassy of Argentina,
Thailand, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB),
Office of Thailand Trade Representative, conducted
a seminar on “SEA-LAC Talk: Opportunities
in Argentina: Agro-business Giant” at University
of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok.....complete
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Talk: How to do business with Mexico
November 17th, 2009 - The SEA-LAC
Trade Center conducted a seminar on "SEA-LAC Talk-
How to do Business with Mexico" at University of
the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok. The guest
speaker is Mr. Tello Valencia, Managing Director
of Bangkokmex Business Consulting....complete
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on "Prospects of Economic Relations between
Southeast Asia and Latin America"
October 12th, 2009 - The SEA-LAC
Trade Center joined the Workshop on "Prospects
of Economic Relations between Southeast Asia and
Latin America: Some Policy Options including Small
and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)" of ASEAN Foundation.
Dr. Jakarin Srimoon, an Executive Director of the
SEA-LAC Trade Center was one of discussants of Panel
Discussion on October 12th, 2009. ...complete
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Opportunities of Trade and Investment in Chile
September 24th, 2009 - The SEA-LAC Trade
Center and the Embassy of Chile, Thailand was jointly
organizing a seminar on of “The opportunities
of Trade and Investment in Chile”. The honorable
keynote speaker was H.E. Alberto Yoacham, Ambassador
of Chile, Thailand. ...complete
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SEA-LAC Trade Center Inauguration Ceremony
13th, 2009 - The University of the Thai Chamber
of Commerce (UTCC), the Thai Chamber of Commerce
and Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) jointly
embark on a strategic action plan in order to enhance
trade and investment and to improve the exchange
of knowledge and best practices between LAC-SEA
countries. ...complete
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SEA-LAC Trade Center Inauguration Ceremony (July 13th,