Workshop on "Prospects of Economic Relations between
Southeast Asia and Latin America"

12th, 2009 - The SEA-LAC Trade Center joined the
Workshop on "Prospects of Economic Relations between
Southeast Asia and Latin America: Some Policy Options
including Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)" of
ASEAN Foundation. Dr. Jakarin Srimoon, an Executive Director
of the SEA-LAC Trade Center was one of discussants of
Panel Discussion on October 12th, 2009.
The ASEAN Foundation, with funding support from the Inter-American
Development Bank (IDB), recently conducted a workshop
on “Prospects of Economic Relations between Southeast
Asia and Latin America: Some Policy Options including
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)” at the ASEAN
Hall, ASEAN Secretariat in Jakarta, Indonesia. Dr. Filemon
A. Uriarte, Jr., ASEAN Foundation Executive Director and
Mr. Kaname Okada, Chief of Japan Program, Inter-American
Development Bank welcomed the participants and H.E. Mr.
Sundram Pushpanathan, Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN
for ASEAN Economic Community, delivered the keynote address.
The one-day workshop was attended by over 70 business
executives, government officials, ASEAN and Latin American
Ambassadors and representatives from the diplomatic corps.
For more information http://www.aseanfoundation.org/index2.php?main=news/2009/2009-10-16.php