We are committed to strengthening trade and investment relations between ASEAN and LAC


SMEs Trade and Investment Opportunities


The Southeast Asia and Latin America (SEA-LAC) Trade Center of the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce , aims to serve as a bridge between Southeast Asian (SEA) and Latin American and Caribbean countries (LAC) to promote trade, investment and mutual understanding to achieve prosperity for both regions. One of SEA-LAC Trade Center objectives is to offer the innovative knowledge, strategies, and solutions of trade and investment in Latin American and Southeast Asian countries to public and private sectors, academic institutions, and people.

We invite you to take your next step here.

Program Calendar

October 2011
October 10th, 2011 "SMEs Trade and Investment Opportunities"
June 2011  
June 20th,
January 2011
January 15th,

Starting Spanish for Business Couse
Training Course

December 2010
( No program for November 2010 )
November 2010
( No program for November 2010 )
October 2010
( No program for October 2010 )
September 2010
6th, 2010

"SMEs Trade and Investment Opportunities"

4th, 2010

Starting Spanish for Business Couse
Training Course

August 2010
( No program for August 2010 )
July 2010
( No program for July 2010 )
June 2010
( No program for June 2010 )
May 2010
( No program for May 2010 )
April 2010
April 21st, 2010

Starting Spanish for Business Course
Training Course

March 2010
( No program for March 2010 )
February 2010
Febuary 11th, 2010 Business Opportunities: Peru-Thailand FTA
Seminar and Business Networking
January 2010
January 28th, 2010 Business Opportunities of Trade and Investment in Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, and Chile)

December 2009
December 16th, 2009
Opportunities in Argentina: Agro-business Giant
Seminar and Business Networking
November 2009
November 17th, 2009

SEA-LAC Talk: "How to do business with Mexico"

October 2009
( No program for October 2009 )
September 2009

September 24th, 2009

"The Opportunities of Trade and Investment in Chile"
(On the Occasion of the 199th Anniversary of the Independence
of the Republic of Chile)



SEA-LAC Trade Center : The Southeast Asia and Latin America Trade Center : University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce
126/1 Vibhavadee-Rangsit Road, Dindaeng, Bangkok 10400, Thailand. Tel. +66-2697-6641-2 Fax. +66-2277-1803 E-mail : sealac@utcc.ac.th