Spanish Language for Business

Date: January 15th, 2011 - March 19th, 2011 (Every Saturday)
Time: 1.00 pm-4.00 pm (Course: 30 hours)
Venue: University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce (UTCC)
126/1 Vibhavadee-Rangsit Road, Dindaeng, Bangkok 10400, Thailand
Cost: 5,600 baht
(Student, ex-student of University of the Thai Chamber Of Commerce and Thai Chamber of Commerce Member Discount 10%)
Details | Objectives | Course Details | Application Process


To increase communication effectiveness and provide understanding, knowledge, and culture of Latin American countries.
- To train participants to communicate Spanish effectively with Latin American people
- To develop business network of Latin American community in ASEAN and build relationship among embassies, government and businesspeople
SEA-LAC Trade Center : The Southeast Asia and Latin America Trade Center : University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce
126/1 Vibhavadee-Rangsit Road, Dindaeng, Bangkok 10400, Thailand. Tel. +66-2697-6641-2 Fax. +66-2277-1803 E-mail : [email protected]