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Mexico: Economic Outlook 2010


Mexico: Economic Outlook 2010


GDP (nominal): 998,300 USD                     Inflation: 4.52%
(Inflation rate increased at the end of Year 2010
due to an increase in agricultural product prices.)

GDP per capita: 15,716 USD at PPP           Unemployment rate: 4.9%

GDP Growth: 5%                                         Currency: Mexican Peso (1 Peso = 2.4 THB)                                   

Export goods: Manufactured goods, electronics, oil and oil products, aircraft, silver, computers and servers, fruits, meats, consumer electronics, processed foods, vegetables, ships, coffee            

Import items: Steel mill products, agricultural machinery, electrical equipment, repair parts for motor vehicles and aircraft parts

Export partners:  United States (76.5%), Canada (6%), German (1.7%)         

Import partners: United States (44.3%), China (5.5%), South Korea (5.21%), Japan (4.1%)                                                                 

Ease of Doing Business Rank: 35th  
Mexico is ranked as the best country to establish a business in Latin America. (Peru: 36th, 
Colombia 39th, Chile 43rd, Argentina 115th, Brazil 127th)

International Reserves: USD 119.5 thousand million (as of February 18, 2011)
(IMF approved two-year arrangement for Mexico under the Flexible Credit Line (FCL) in an amount equivalent to SDR 47.292 billion (about US$72 billion). )

Investment in Infrastructure: Increasing; From 2000-2006 average annual budgetary investment in infrastructure was 3.5% of GDP, from 2007 to 2011 it will be 4.5% of GDP.

Thailand-Mexico Economic Data

Trade Volume: 1365.54 million USD
(The trade volume in 2010 increases 45.12 % of trade volume in 2009. Export volume is 967.03 million USD. Import volume is 398.5 million USD)

Main Export items (From Thailand to Mexico)

  1. Electrical machinery equipment
  2. Machinery and Mechanical Appliance
  3. Vehicles, and Parts and Accessories
  4. Rubber
  5. Apparel

Main Import items (From Mexico to Thailand)

  1. Electrical machinery equipment
  2. Natural, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metal
  3. Vehicles, and Parts and Accessories
  4. Machinery and Mechanical Appliance
  5. Iron and Steel

(Thai): Indorama (Thailand) Company Limited
(Mexico): Cemex Company Limited

Source: Banxico and SHCP

Source: The Economist

Source:  http://www.imf.org/external/np/sec/pr/2011/pr1104.htm

Source: http://www2.ops3.moc.go.th/





SEA-LAC Trade Center : The Southeast Asia and Latin America Trade Center : University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce
126/1 Vibhavadee-Rangsit Road, Dindaeng, Bangkok 10400, Thailand. Tel. +66-2697-6641-2 Fax. +66-2277-1803 E-mail : [email protected]