The Journal of the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce in Humanities and Social Sciences
ISSN Online : 3027-7671
Publishing Ethics

The Academic Journal of the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce in Humanities and Social Sciences is a medium for publicizing and sharing academic works of new discoveries of the academics, researchers, and academic experts to the general populace by published academic works in research articles and academic articles form.

The journal’s editorial team is aware of the publication ethics of the authors, the reviewers and the editors. This is to ensure that the publication is ethical and of standard quality and transparency. The publication ethics of the journal has been established with references from the translation of Code of Conduct.pdf by Thai Journal Citation Index Centre. They are complied with international publishing standards as defined by the COPE – Committee on Publication Ethics Committee ( that has defined the role and duties of the authors, the editors and the reviewers.

Roles and Duties of Authors
  1. The author of the article must submit an original article which is not an overlapping copy or previously published copy or a copy which is currently being submitted for publishing consideration in other journals.
  2. The author who has already submitted the article to the Online Submissions System must not re-submit it to other journals.
  3. The author must provide accurate information. Distorted or false information is absolutely prohibited.
  4. The author who uses others’ work in the article must include proper citation with a complete and accurate list of references and bibliography at the end of the article.
  5. The content within each article published in the journal is the personal opinions of the author. There is no relation to the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce and other faculty members within the university in any way. Responsibility for the content and drafting of each article rests with each article’s author. If there are any errors, the author is the one who is responsible for his or her own article.
  6. The author who plagiarizes other people's work infringes the copyright of others and has to take responsibility for it.
  7. The author must write a research article or an academic article in the correct format as specified in “Recommendations for Article Authors”.
  8. All authors whose names appear in the article must be the researchers who are actually involved in conducting the research.
  9. The author of the article must specify the source of funding supporting this research in the Acknowledgments section.
  10. The authors must indicate conflicts of interest (if any).
  11. In cases where the research study conducts an experiment on humans or laboratory animals, especially the human experimentation that may affect the dignity, rights, safety, and well-being of human beings, the author is required to attach an ethics certificate from the Human or Animal Research Ethics Committee. Such information must be included in the research methods section. However, approval for publication of the journal's editorial team is considered final.
Roles and Duties of Editors
  1. Editors must regularly develop and improve the quality of the journal.
  2. Editors must guarantee the quality of articles published in the journal.
  3. Editors must support freedom of expression and maintain the integrity of academic works.
  4. Editors must protect intellectual property standards from business needs.
  5. Editors must be willing to correct publishing errors, clarify the reasons for any removal and withdrawal of the articles as well as apologize should the need arise.
  6. Editors are required to permit the author to inform his or her readers about the research funders or the role of the research funders.
  7. If the editor becomes aware of an inaccuracy in the article that has already been published or there are sentences that lead to misunderstandings or distorted facts, it must be corrected and clarified immediately.
  8. If there is any misconduct found after the scrutinization, the editor must proceed with the retraction of the article with evidence provided of said misconduct. In this case, this retraction must also be known to readers and other database systems.
  9. The editor has a manageable system to manage any conflicts of interest of the editor, the journal staff, the author, the reviewers, and the editorial team.
Roles and Duties of Reviewers
  1. The article reviewer must consider and evaluate the quality of articles with confidentiality. Confidentiality of All and any information in the articles under consideration cannot be disclosed to other parties.
  2. The article reviewer can refuse to evaluate the article if there is a conflict of interest or the content of the article does not correspond to the field of the reviewer’s expertise.
  3. The article reviewer should provide relevant and beneficial suggestions to the article authors.
  4. The article reviewer must inform the editor if any part of the article is found similar to or duplicated with other works.