Latin America | Southeast Asia


Formal name in Spanish: Rep?blica de Panam?
Capital: Panama City
Head of state: Ricardo Martinelli
Took office: May 3, 2009
Languages: Spanish
Population: 3,220,000
Surface area: 75,517 km2
Currency: Balboa, U.S. dollar (PAB, USD)
GDP: US$24.754Billions
GDP per capital: US$7,144.936

Inflation (2008):10% (source: business Panama)
Exports of percentage of GDP: 5%
Value of exports (2008): 1.238Billions
Largest companies: McDermott International Inc, Panamco (Panamerican Beverages), Willbros Group, Inc., BLADEX (Banco Latinoamericano de Exportaciones), Cerveceria Nacional, S.A, Ezcony Interamerica, Inc, Aguas de Panama, Bahia Las Minas, Banaprest SA, Banco Continental de Panama SA, Banco de Iberoamerica SA, Banco de Latinoamerica SA, Banco del Ismo, Banco del Istmo SA, Banco Disa SA, Banco General, Banco Internacional de Panama SA, Banco Mercantil del Istmo SA,
Top business school: University of Panama, the University of Santa Maria La Antigua
Literacy rate: 91.9%
Human development index (2009): 60
Energy consumption: Hydroelectricity, geothermal energy; chemistry of geothermal waters; hydrothermal
Energy sources: bagasse, charcoal, and wood

Contact: Ministry of Commerce and Industries www.mici.gob.pa


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SEA-LAC Trade Center : The Southeast Asia and Latin America Trade Center : University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce
126/1 Vibhavadee-Rangsit Road, Dindaeng, Bangkok 10400, Thailand. Tel. +66-2697-6641-2 Fax. +66-2277-1803 E-mail : [email protected]