Latin America | Southeast Asia


Capital: Belmopan
Head of Goverment:Prime Minister Dean Oliver BARROW
Languages: English, Creole
Population:334,297 (2013 est.)
Surface area: 22,966km2
Currency: Belize dollar (BZD)
GDP: US$2.896 billion (2012 est.)
GDP per capital: US$8,400 (2012 est.)

Inflation:2.8% (2012 est.)
Exports of percentage of GDP: 19.20%
Value of exports: US$555.8 million (2012 est.)

Main export commodities: sugar, bananas, citrus, clothing, fish products, molasses, wood, crude oil
Largest companies: Carlisle Holdings, Ashcroft, Michael, Atlantic Bank Ltd, Belize Bank, Central Bank of Belize, Mollejon Power, Provident Bank and Trust of Belize Ltd
Top business school: University of Belize, Central America Health Sciences University - Belize Medical College, Galen University
Literacy: 76.9%
Human development index :0.702 (2013 est.)
Energy consumption (Quadrillion Btu): 0.012.

Energy production (Quadrillion Btu):0.014
Energy sources: wood, fossil fuel, Liquefied Petroleum Gases

(Source: CIA, The World Factbook)


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SEA-LAC Trade Center : The Southeast Asia and Latin America Trade Center : University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce
126/1 Vibhavadee-Rangsit Road, Dindaeng, Bangkok 10400, Thailand. Tel. +66-2697-6641-2 Fax. +66-2277-1803 E-mail : [email protected]