Registration Form [Presenter]
Please fill in the form before an abstract/ a paper submission
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* Main researcher (correspondent author)
Academic Title
  Lecturer   Student

In case of independent researcher
Affiliation, Name of Organization
Submitting into National Conference   International Conference
Research Paper    Academic Paper
Title (Thai)
* Short and concise, maximum 2 lines
Title (English)
* Correspond to TITLE in Thai
Keyword (Thai)
* maximum 5 words
Keyword (English)
* maximum 5 words
Co-researcher(s) (Thai)
* Fill in all researchers
Co-researcher(s) (English)
* Fill in all researchers
Postal Address
Mobile Telephone
I hereby certify that this article has never been published or being on the process of publication in any journal from the date I submit it to the School of Humanities and Applied Arts, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce.

I also have not illegally copied or pirated to anyone’s copyright. I am willing to allow the School of Humanities and Applied Arts, University of the Thai Chamber of commerce, to publish my paper into the School’s proceedings.

Please indicate :: I’m the sole researcher.
I co-research with other researcher(s) mentioned above.
Attach Abstract (.doc)
  * entitle in English (maximum 15 letters)
Attach Payment Slip
  * entitle in English (maximum 15 letters)


University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok, Thailand


Associate Professor Dr. Usa Sutthisakorn
[email protected]
[email protected]

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